You can see below how NSLA's strategic project: Collaborative Collections aligns closely with thinking O/S!!
"Access is increasingly a network service issue. What about management of collections? ... The related issues of network use and repurposing of space have heightened awareness of the opportunity cost of managing print collections: what is not being done because effort and resources are going into a library resource which is releasing progressively less value in active research and learning practices? This is prompting more thinking about ‘collective collection’ issues: how do you begin to think about managing at the aggregate or group level (consortium, state, country)? We can see this thinking coming through in mass digitization initiatives, shared off–site storage, and initiatives like the U.K. Research Reserve ... which are seeking to reduce the overall volume of materials held by considering what is required at a system–wide level (in this case the national level). "
Quote from Lorcan Dempsey in "Always on: Libraries in a world of permanent connectivity" First Monday [Online], Volume 14 Number 1 (30 December 2008)